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lørdag 12. april 2014

GJESTEBLOGG - Daria Endresen

G J E S T E B L O G G  -  D A R I A  E N D R E S E N

I've known Gallery Ramfjord for several years now, since i used to live in the neighbourhood and passed by it quite often. I remember how i glances over amazing imagery through the big glass windows, thinking how great it would be to have a chance to exhibit there one day as well. Needless to say i was immensely happy when Elisabeth invited me to participate in the Gallery's Choice show - it was an honour and also my personal stepping stone, since it was the first time i presented my work in Norway and it really meant a lot to me.

Having a solo in the gallery at the moment makes me very proud and I am thankful to Elisabeth and her wonderful crew for the top-notch organisation - i could honestly say that this is the most beautiful exhibition i've had so far. Its always been difficult for me to speak about my work, probably because I am not very good with words and all my images are rather personal. Besides I prefer them to speak for me and let the viewers decide what kind of stories they see there. A lot of people consider my work dark but there is always a glimmer of light and hope once you look a little closer.